Alternative Therapies Questionnaire (From Pathways 21)

Jude Writes I have been hired by SYCIL to research a Social Enterprise model of deliveringcomplementary therapies to our client base. This includes a study of existing models in the UK, proposing a model to progress our idea, preparing a business case and planning and implementing the operation. My background is in business, (mainly telecoms, business process management) and I have recently worked in External Funding at an FE college. Apart from this I am also a qualified and practicing homeopath. I am passionate about addressing health inequalities, personal choice in healthcare, and about the fundamental idea of social enterprise.

SYCIL is dedicated to providing support for independent living, and our new service aims to address self management of health and wellbeing issues. At this point in the development of our Total Wellbeing Service, I am putting together focus groups of both (potential) service users and service providers (therapists) to ensure we have a good match and will be able to fulfil the needs and wants of the client. Exploring barriers to access is an important step of this process. We would like to know what types of complementary therapies your client group have tried, what seems to help, and what they would like to have more of, or try for the first time. Some examples may be aromatherapy, acupuncture, Alexander technique, Yoga, homeopathy, etc… With this information we can explore the possibility of putting on 6- 12 week courses of activities and therapies designed to improve wellbeing. We are also looking at setting up taster sessions on a regular basis at SYCIL premises.

This would allow people to come and try a therapy to see if it might be something they feel might help them if enjoyed on a more regular basis. It would also provide an  opportunity, in a safe environment, to meet qualified, carefully chosen therapists who have an understanding of the client’s needs and possible limitations.

I invited Jude to meet with some members of Leger ME at the meeting of the 21st August. We had an interesting discussion, and it was agreed that some therapies  may be better than others for ME/CFS. However in order to ascertain what members would like we’ve decided to put a copy of the the questionnaire which can be downloaded on the website. 

Alternative Therapies Questionnaire


Members Leaflet Downloads

The following leaflets are intended for Leger ME members as a supplement to guidance from our helpline or welfare rights advisor, and should not be considered in a stand alone context. 

They are in Portable Document Format and a PDF viewer is required to view and print them.  This is a standard part of most recent windows installations.  Click on the blue button to download.

First Contact Information 

First Contact Information for people with a suspected or undiagnosed Fatigue Syndrome.

New to CFS/ME

 Basic Information for recently diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients.

Carers' Leaflet

 Information about CFS/ME for Carers, written by a Carer.

Member M.E. Information 

 Basic Information about M.E. for our members.

Applying for DLA / AA

 Applying for Disability Living Allowance.

The DLA/AA Home Medical   

 Information about a Doctor from the DWP visiting a patient at home.

Obsolescent Leaflets

In October 2008 Incapacity Benefit is due to be replaced by Employment and Support Allowance.  These following documents were prepared in 2002, and are here for historical reference purposes.  In recent years the DWP have made many minor changes to the IB50 and the information although correct at the time it was prepared may not be current.  Please see the DWP documentation for current developments.

 The PCA and IB50 form

 Information about filling in the IB50 form for Incapacity and other state benefits. (2002)

The PCA/IB50  Medical

 Information about the Personal Capability Assessment & IB50 Medical. (2002)


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